What we are A list of the services we offer Send us an email
Wht we are about..
A list of our services
The products we are represent
Our Current Projects
The People who  we partner with....
Email us here

Starlite started as an idea, a concept and a place where dreams and ideas could be turned into real world projects. These original projects and many new ones still sustain and drive us onwards today.


Our basic mission is not to be a super corporation, not to be a care less company, not to be driven by greed but to try and enrich our lives and those who copme into contact with us.


We can be contacted using any of the methods listed below. Whilst our Internet business is online 24/7, our hours of business in the real world is 9.30am to 5pm Australian Eastern Time which is +10 hours GMT.


We will reply to all communication ussually within 24 hours.









Starlite International Pty Ltd.,

PO Box 3374

Liverpool NSW 2170 Australia


+61 2 9826 0220


+61 2 9607 7088

ABN 56003 472 017


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