What we are A list of the services we offer Send us an email
Wht we are about..
A list of our services
The products we are represent
Our Current Projects
The People who  we partner with....
Email us here

We at Starlite are a busy little bunch! We are forever chasing new ideas and trying to recreate and fashion them into realities.

This is no easy task in many cases, because many of the ideas are untried and to the disbelievers.. impossible to achieve.

Still, we move forward following the light and the belief that if enough perfection, passion and professionlism is put into the idea, it will succeed.

How much it will succeed is another story and more to do with marketing than turning ideas into real things.

Once again our basic mission is not to be a super corporation, not to be a care less company, not to be driven by greed but to try and enrich our lives and those who come into contact with us.


If you take the link to PRODUCTS, you will see where many of our ideas have ended up.

More recent ideas that are in the pre-production phase, include...




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